Redding Competition PR-50


Vandaður púðurskammtari frá Redding, sérstaklega fyrir stæðstu riffla, með borðfestingu.  Sviðið er frá 20 grain.

47.300 kr.



The Competition Model BR-30 Powder Measure is truly a competition model with some very special features. One of these features (the drum and micrometer) limits the overall charging range from a low of 10 grains (dependent upon powder density) to a maximum of approximately 50 grains. If you are a serious competitive shooter and your loading requirements are generally between 10 and 50 grains, this is certainly the measure to choose. This measure uses all of the competition proven features of the Match-Grade Model 3BR. To acheive the most uniform powder metering possible for Benchrest Competition, at a targeted charge weight of approximately 30 grains, (hence the name BR-30) an entirely new drum and metering unit was created. The diameter of the metering cavity was reduced and the metering plunger was given a unique hemespherical or "cup" shape. This shape creates a powder cavity that resembles the bottom of a test tube to alleviate irregular powder settling and to enhance charge to charge uniformity. A special operating handle was also created for this model. It's a rotating handle, slightly heavier to help you maintain a more uniform stroke.

45.200 kr.

Redding Competition 10x - Pistol


Vandaður púðurskammtari fyrir skammbyssu hylki og smá riffilhylki t.d. .22 Hornet.

Svið 1-25 grain.

50.600 kr.

Harrell's Custom 90 Culver Measure


Designed for varmint hunters and benchrest shooters. This measure has the same quality as our most expensive measure, but without all of the expensive bells and whistles. The handle is quicker and cheaper to produce. A thumb screw holds the drop tube in. The baffle is a steel washer instead of a machined brass one. The body is machined aluminum that is a hard coat anodized with Teflon in it. This is an extremely hard durable finish. It is almost wear proof. It's so hard sandpaper won't even scratch it. In these ways we are able to take much time out of the manufacturing process without any sacrifice in accuracy or quality. This measure has been proven, in independent scientific testing, to be as accurate as any measure ever produced.

6-90 grain

47.000 kr.

Harrell's PREMIUM Powder Measure


Our new PREMIUM Culver type measure is the finest measure we have ever made. It has two precision roller bearings, one on each end of the metering device, to reduce vertical play to a few ten thousandths of an inch. They also make it incredibly smooth, for a much better feel. 


  • Left or right hand use
  • Four cutting edges, two left and two right hand
  • Brass metering device encapsulated in a stainless steel bushing
  • New space saving design with 16 ounce bottle
  • 120 grain, 200 click, 6 clicks between numbers, .1 grain per click adjustment, easily converts to 4 clicks

62.000 kr.

Harrell's Classic Culver Measure


This measure is made for the discriminating shooter, the person who insists his measure look as good as his fine custom or benchrest rifles. It has our finest double roller bearing construction. The top and bottom screw off and, are green anodized. The center is polished and nickel plated. Â We think this is the finest classic designed Culver measure ever. Â You simply can not buy a better made, more durable, longer lasting, better looking or more accurrate measure, at any price. Try one for yourself, see and feel the difference between this measure and an ordinary custom measure without the roller bearings. Â You will agree there is no comparison.

6-120 grain capacity

78.000 kr.

Lyman Gen 6 púðurskammtari


The compact Gen6 design takes a minimum of bench space and offers unrestricted pan and touch screen access for both right and left hand users. Accurate to one tenth grain, the Gen6 dispenses all types of smokeless powder at two grains per second. In addition, it features an auto repeat function that drops a precise charge each time the pan is reset.

Based on re-engineered digital technology that overcomes problems commonly experienced by older designs, the system is packed with additional state of the art improvements like fast, 3 minute warmup, anti-static and anti-drift technology and has sophisticated electronic shielding to resist interference from other electronic devices like cell phones, etc. Shop Lyman today for improved measurements with a digital powder scale.

63.000 kr.

Reloader RSS-20


Vönduð vog sem tekur að 20 grömmum, kemur í plasttösku, viktar grain og grömm.

13.200 kr.

Lyman skálavog


Vönduð skálavog sem vigar 1/10 grain nákvæmni.

12.700 kr.

Lyman Pro-Touch 1500 Digital Vog


Lyman's smallest electronic scale, the Pro-Touch 1500 has all the features of much larger models combined with state-of-the-art touch screen controls. Just 3.25" wide by 5.375" long and 1.25" tall with the dust cover in place. This scale has a full 1500 grain capacity. It is powered by an included AC adapter, but can also function on battery power when at the range or camp. The Pro-touch 1500 also includes its own powder pan and calibration weight.

21.000 kr.

Lyman púðurtrekt


Púðurtrekt sem hægt er að nota beint á vigtina og hella svo úr í hylkið. Semsagt púðurskál og trekt í einum og sama hlutnum.

1.700 kr.

Lyman púðurtrekt


Góð púðutrekt sem hentar hentar öllum caliberum frá .22 -.50

1.400 kr.

Redding skálavog


Vönduð skálavog, vigtar 1/10 hluta og upp að 505 grainum.

15.400 kr.

Redding púðurtrekt


Passar fyrir cal. 22 -45, úr anti-static plasti.

980 kr.

Redding Classic Model 3


Mjög vandaður púðurskammtari frá Redding, með borðfestingu.  Sviðið er frá 10 til 50 grain.

33.700 kr.

Lyman Brass Smith púðurskammtari



  • Micrometer adjustment 
  • Ambidextrous metering cylinder/handle 
  • Multiple handle angle positions for optimum comfort 
  • CNC machined steel metering cylinder 
  • Includes powder baffle 
  • Machined with 7/8”x14 threads to fit all presses and stands

Lyman’s Brass Smith Powder Measure is unmatched for value, features and performance! Whether dropping charges for small pistol cases or large rifle cases, this measure gives consistent and accurate performance. The CNC machined steel metering cylinder features a micrometer adjustable thimble with reference lines so resetting the measure is easy. The reservoir is equipped with a powder baffle which maintains a consistent powder level for top accuracy. The cylinder also allows for the handle to be positioned on either side for true ambidextrous use, plus it can be positioned at different angles for maximum user comfort. The measure body is machine with a 7/8”x14 thread to fit all standard presses and stands. Also include two drop tubes to cover the full range of calibers.

10.280 kr.

Hornady tregt fyrir 17 og 20 cal


Millistykki á tregt svo hægt sé að koma púðrinu í litlu 204 og 17 calibera hylkin.

2.200 kr.