Vandað fram skotrest sem auðvelt er að stilla.
Vandaður afturpoki, fylltur sandi.
Body Height: 2-5/8"Body Width: 5"Body Depth: 6-3/4"Ear Height: 2-5/8"Ear Width: 4-3/8"Ear Depth: 4-3/8"
Hærri geðin af vönduðum leðurpúða, hentar vel þegar skotið er af borði, fylltur sandi.
Body Height: 3-5/8"Body Width: 5"Body Depth: 6-3/4"Ear Height: 2-5/8"Ear Width: 4-3/8"Ear Depth: 4-3/8"
Alöflugasti afturpúðinn, hár með þykkum botn og haldi, hentar vel þegar skjóta á af sem mestri nákvæmni og á sem lengstum vegalengdum.
Grennsta gerðin af púða í rest, fylltur sandi. Hentar 35 - 45 mm breiðu forskepti.
Length: 5-3/4"Width : 2-1/4"Height: 2"
Milligerðin í breidd, fylltur sandi. Hentar 50 - 60 mm breiðu forskepti.
Filled Length: 1" Filled Widht: 2-1/4" Filled Height: 5-3/4"
Breiðasta gerðin af púða í rest, fylltur sandi. Hentar 70 - 80 mm breiðu forskepti.
GRS Afturpúði sem hentar vel undir skeftið í markskotfimi og veiði.
Þyngd 725gr
How often do you set-up shooting rests at the range, only to find that your rifle isn’t at the proper height; or the seat is too high for the bench?
Lyman’s Bag Jack is designed to make it easy to adjust the elevation of your rifle and bring it into line with your target, while also allowing you to maintain a comfortable shooting position. Compact, stable, and infinitely adjustable, the Bag Jack is the perfect platform to set up your shooting rest at the range. Create the optimal shooting position under any shooting conditions.
The Bag Jack corrects the height with a simple turn of the adjustment knob. The lift is made from sturdy aluminum and steel components and has a non-slip textured platform. The lift is 10” x 10” so it can accommodate the largest size rests, and collapses for unmatched portability.
The Match Shooting Bag is shaped to tightly squeeze your rifle and give you a stable and secure shooting platform. The bag is equipped with a sturdy carry strap and an adjustable tensioning strap to adjust elevation. Dimensions: 8”W x 10”D x 6 ½”H.
All of our Shooting Bags are made from heavy duty, abrasion resistant 600D nylon with micro-suede padding on rifle contact points. They are also equipped with a non-slip rubberized base to keep them stable and in place during use. The bags are supplied filled with a ground plastic material which holds its shape well and is light enough for easy carrying. Filling can be adjusted for optimal volume.
Vandaður standur úr áli, þrjár hæðarstillingar, hentar vel þegar ekki er tvífótur á rifflinum.