Lyman Hvellettutöng


Þægilegasta leiðin til að setja hvellhettur í patrónur, venjulegur " shellholder " passar í töngina, bæði fyrir litlar og stórar hvellettur.

11.400 kr.

Lyman Bullet Puller


Einföld leið til að opna hlain skot án þess að eyðileggja kúlu eða púður.

5.700 kr.

Lyman Primer Pocket Cleaner Large


The Lyman primer pocket cleaner is the perfect tool for cleaning fouling out of primer pockets to keep debris from interfering with positive ignition which is critical for increased accuracy.

2.300 kr.

Lyman Primer Pocket Cleaner Small


The Lyman primer pocket cleaner is the perfect tool for cleaning fouling out of primer pockets to keep debris from interfering with positive ignition which is critical for increased accuracy.

2.300 kr.

Lyman Primer Pocket Reamer Large


This tool is perfect for the reloader needing to removes military crimps and rough metal edges from a primer pocket. The Ergonomic handle was designed for maximum comfort.

2.300 kr.

Lyman Primer Pocket Reamer Small


This tool is perfect for the reloader needing to removes military crimps and rough metal edges from a primer pocket. The Ergonomic handle was designed for maximum comfort.

2.300 kr.

Lyman Flash Hole Uniformer Tool


The Lyman Flash Hole Informing Tool is perfect for reloaders looking toincrease ignition consistency and reduce variation from case to case. When brass is manufactured there are burrs that are sometimes created when the flash hole is tapped out. This tool quickly removes that burr creating more consistent ignition. This process only needs to be done once for the complete life of a piece of brass. This steel tool includes a cutter, shaft, shoulder stop and ergonomic plastic handle. It also features an adjustable stop collar which allows use with any length case. The Flash Hole Uniformer is not a standard deburring tool, as it deburrs flash holes only and not other parts of the case. 

3.800 kr.

Lyman E-ZEE Powder Trickler


Nauðsynlegt hjálpartæki þegar vigað er í hvert skot.

5.800 kr.

Redding Trickler


Einfaldur í notkun og hentar vel til að skila síðustu púðurkornunum í patrónuna.

3.900 kr.

Lyman deburring tool


Nauðsynlegt eftir trimmingu á hylkjunum.

5.150 kr.

Lyman VLD Chamfer Reamer


Gott að nota eftir trimmingu til að koma í veg fyrir skarpar brúnir sem geta skemmt kúluna. 22 gráðu halli til að kúlan komist auðveldlega í.

2.230 kr.

Hornady Kúluhamar


Hornady kúluhamar (bullet puller) er góð lausn til að ná kúlum úr hylkjum.

5.500 kr.

Lyman rennimál með klukku


Vandað stálrennimál, sem mælir í hundraðshlutum í tommu.

5.980 kr.



The Lyman Stuck Case Remover Kit will safely and easily remove stuck cases from sizing dies. Unlike other kits, all the tools that are needed are included. The kit includes a unique dual purpose threaded cap that screws over the end of the die. This cap acts as both a drill guide and a guide for the pulling screw. An extra-long hex wrench is included which provides plenty of leverage when removing stuck cases and also doubles as a handle for the tap wrench.

Kit includes threaded cap, tap drill, ¼-20 tap, hex screw, long hex wrench, and tap wrench. Whether you’re a new reloader or you are a seasoned reloading veteran you are bound to experience a stuck case eventually. Order your Lyman Stuck Case Removal Kit today!

Everything needed is included in the kit
Unique dual purpose threaded cap
Long hex wrench provides plenty of leverage and doubles as a tap wrench handle

5.200 kr.

Lyman rennimál digital


Vandað stálrennimál, sem mælir í millimetrum og tommu.

9.500 kr.

Lyman Case Pre Xpress


The Case Prep Xpress is the only "All-Inclusive" System offering all the most popular case prep accessories driven by a high torque gear motor. The dump pan provides easy clean up of brass shavings. The best part is that all accessories are included from the start, no need to have to separately purchase expensive additional accessories. Eliminate blisters on your hand and painful aches from hand loading ammo with the Case Prep Xpress by Lyman.


Inside Deburr (VLD) Tool
Outside Deburr Tool
Primer Pocket Uniformer (Large & Small)
Primer Pocket Reamer (Large & Small)
Primer Pocket Cleaner (Large & Small)
Case Neck Brushes (25, 30, 38 & 45 Cal)
Case Neck Lube (Mica)
Removable Brass Shavings Dump Pan
Clean-up Brush

46.000 kr.



Lyman's Unique Case Prep Multi-Tool provides the reloader with all the essential Case Prep Accessories in one compact, double-ended storage tool. Unique handle unthreads in the middle to store all parts. Both ends of the handle are threaded to allow two heads to be mounted simultaneously. Are you looking for a convenient and efficient case preparation tool that can clean primer pockets and debur the inside and outside of your cartridge neck? Look no further, as the Case Prep Multi-Tool by Lyman is an affordable and quality accessory for case preparation. Order today!

7.100 kr.

Lyman Decapping pinni með carbite button


Pinni með ró og carbite button í Lyman die, gerir hleðsluna átakaminni, til í 22, 6mm og 6,5 mm.

8.500 kr.