Norma - cal. 30 165 grain new ORYX


Frábær hreindýrakúla, " Bounded " sem þýðir að blýkjarninn og koparklæðningin er brætt saman svo hún fer í svepp og heldur miklu af upprunalegu þyngd. 100 stykki í pakka. 

8.900 kr.

Norma .30 TipStrike 170 grain


Ný veiðikúla frá Norma, sem hefur fengið mikla athygli, 100 stykki í pakka.

TIPSTRIKE™ is developed for stopping power, combined with a penetration deep enough to reach the vital organs of the game. The polymer tip assures the expansion and gives a devastating shock effect due to the construction of the bullet jacket. To maintain a high retention weight, the jacket is reinforced with a mechanical lock, thus making TIPSTRIKE an outstanding bullet for driven hunts and other forms of hunting where an immediate stop is crucial.

11.500 kr.

Norma - cal. 30 180 grain new ORYX


180 grain og hentar vel á stærri dýr auk þess að vera frábær hreindýrakúla, " Bounded " sem þýðir að blýkjarninn og koparklæðningin er brætt saman svo hún fer í svepp og heldur miklu af upprunalegu þyngd. 100 stykki í pakka. 

9.300 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 125 grain Ballistic Tip


Með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 308 við hreindýraveiðar. 50 stk. í pakka.

5.300 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 150 grain Ballistic Tip


Með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 308 og 30-06 við hreindýraveiðar. 50 stk. í pakka

7.000 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 165 grain Ballistic Tip


Með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 30-06 og stærri 30 cal. riffla við hreindýraveiðar. 50 stk. í pakka.

4.900 kr.

Nosler - .30 cal 180 grain Ballistic Tip


Frábær veiðikúla, þegar leitað er að kúlu sem bæði hefur hátt BC og opnast. 50 stykki í pakka.

5.100 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 125 grain Accubond


Frábær hreindýrakúla, sem hentar sérlega vel í .308 Win. 50 stykki í pakka.

6.600 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 150 grain Accubond


Nosler Accubond er sterk veiðikúla sem hefur lýmda saman koparklæðningin og blýkjarninn. Góður kostur þegar tekið er tillit til kjötskemmda og einnig á stærri dýr þar sem kúlan þarf að fara sem dýpst. 50 stk. í pakka.

13.000 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. 165 grain Accubond


Accubond er afar sterk veiðikúla sem er " bounded " Góður kostur þegar tekið er tillit til kjötskemmda og einnig á stærri dýr þar sem kúlan þarf að fara sem dýpst. 50 stk. í pakka.

7.200 kr.

Nosler - .30 Cal. Accubond 180 grain


Með plastodd og ekki ósvipuð Ballistic Tip í útliti en með gjörólíka byggingu. Koparkápa og blýkjarnin eru brædd saman svo kúlan splundrist ekki líkt og BT. Sennilega einn albesti kosturinn við við veiðar stærri dýra á lengri færum líkt og við hreindýraveiðar. 50 stk. í pakka.

7.400 kr.

Lapua - .30 Cal. 123 grain FMJ


Heil kúla sem hentar við fuglaveiðar og æfingar. 100 stykki í pakka.

5.600 kr.

Lapua - .30 Cal. 150 grain MEGA


Afar sterk veiðikúla frá Lapua, sveppast vel en sundrast ekki. 97% weight retention. 100 stykki í pakka.

13.500 kr.

Lapua - .30 Cal. 155 grain Scenar-L


Scenar kúla með boraðan odd, góð í markskotfimi og einnig veiði. Miklir flugeiginleikar eða BC 0,460, svo hún hentar sérlega vel á lengri færum. 100 stk. í pakka.

10.600 kr.

Lapua - .30 Cal. 167 grain Scenar


Scenar kúla með boraðan odd, góð í markskotfimi og einnig veiði. Miklir flugeiginleikar eða BC 0,446, svo hún hentar sérlega vel á lengri færum. 100 stk. í pakka.

9.500 kr.

Lapua - .30 Cal. 175 grain Scenar-L


Scenar kúla með boraðan odd, mjög hár B.C. 0,490 sem segir okkur að kúlan hefur góða flugeiginleikar sem gera það að verkun að hún heldur hraða betur. 100 stk. í pakka.

10.160 kr.

Lapua .308 220 grain Scenar L


Scenar kúlur eru löngu búnar að sanna sig og nýja Scenar L er allsstaðar að slá í gegn. Þessi er 220 grain og hefur reynst ótrúlega nákvæm í öflugum cal. .30 rifflum. 100 stk. í pakka.

9.160 kr.

Sierra 2120 - .30 Cal. 125 grain SPT


125 grain hefðbundin blýoddskúla, þegar leita er hraðskreiðar 30 Cal. veiðikúlu. 100 stk. í pakka.

7.720 kr.

Sierra 7725 - .30 cal.125 grain Tipped MatchKing


125 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi. Ekki talin henta til hreindýraveiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. 100 stk. í pakka.



12.310 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 150 grain SBT .


150 grain hefðbundin blýoddskúla, mjög góð nákvæmni, hentar á allar veiðar. 100 stk. í pakka.

9.120 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 150 grain MatchKing


150 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, ekki talin henta til veiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. 100 stk. í pakka.

8.460 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 150 grain FMJBT.


150 grain heil. hentar vel til æfinga og fuglaveiða. 100 stk. í pakka.

8.280 kr.

Sierra - .30 cal. 165 grain TGK GAMECHANGER


Ný kúla frá Sierra sem er að fá frábærar móttökur. 165 grain ætluð til veiða og markskotfimi. Henta vel til hreindýraveiða. Sterk koparkápa sem hefur stjórn á opnuninni. Mjög hátt BC eða .530.  100 stk. í pakka.



12.150 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 165 grain SBT.


165 grain hefðbundin blýoddskúla, hentar vel í veiði, heldur betri flugeiginleikar heldur enn 150 grain, hentar í allflesta 30 Cal. riffla. 100 stk. í pakka.

9.550 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 165 grain HPBT.


165 grain veiðikúla með boruðum odd, góður kostur þegar óskað er eftir styrk og flugeiginleikum. Opnast ekki hratt og hentar því vel á stærri dýr. 100 stk. í pakka.

7.460 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 168 grain MatchKing


168 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, ekki talin henta til veiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. Miklir flugeiginleikar þ.e.a.s. hár B.C. 100 stk. í pakka.

8.740 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 168 grain Tipped MatchKing


Plastodds kúla 168 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, ekki talin henta til kjötveiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. Miklir flugeiginleikar þ.e.a.s. hár B.C. eða .535 100 stk. í pakka.

9.570 kr.

Sierra - .30 Cal. 175 grain Tipped MatchKing


175 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, og á lengri færi, gríðarlega hár BC stuðull. Ekki talin henta til veiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. 100 stk. í pakka.

9.490 kr.

Sierra - .30 cal. 180 grain TGK GAMECHANGER


Ný kúla frá Sierra sem er að fá frábærar móttökur. 180 grain ætluð til veiða og markskotfimi. Henta vel til hreindýraveiða. Sterk koparkápa sem hefur stjórn á opnuninni. Mjög hátt BC eða .515.  100 stk. í pakka.



12.060 kr.

Tarvas .30 165 grain


Mjög vandaðar blýlausar veiðikúlur, hentar sérstaka þegar kjötskemmdir eiga að vera í lágmarki og eins þegar um stærri bráð er að ræða, fer ávallt í gegn. 50 stykki í pakka.

9.800 kr.

Berger .30 115 Gr FB Target 100 stk


Berger Flat Base Target Bullets are often used by competitive benchrest shooters who seek the highest accuracy possible. Flat Base Target Bullets are often used out to mid-range distances of 300 yards or more where a boat tail is not applicable. Berger Flat Base Target bullets are match-grade quality and utilize a tangent ogive bullet design which makes these very easy to load, tune and shoot. Highly accurate, the Flat Base Target uses J4 Precision bullet jackets for construction. J4 Precision Jackets have a Total Indicated Runout (TIR) of +/- .0001 and extremely tight manufacturing tolerances.

9.600 kr.

Berger .30 115 Gr FB Target 500 stk


Berger Flat Base Target Bullets are often used by competitive benchrest shooters who seek the highest accuracy possible. Flat Base Target Bullets are often used out to mid-range distances of 300 yards or more where a boat tail is not applicable. Berger Flat Base Target bullets are match-grade quality and utilize a tangent ogive bullet design which makes these very easy to load, tune and shoot. Highly accurate, the Flat Base Target uses J4 Precision bullet jackets for construction. J4 Precision Jackets have a Total Indicated Runout (TIR) of +/- .0001 and extremely tight manufacturing tolerances.

50.900 kr.

Berger .30 150 Gr FB Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

11.900 kr.

Berger .30 cal 155 Gr VLD Hunting


The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.

12.600 kr.

Berger .30 cal 168 Gr Classic Hunting


The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.

10.700 kr.

Berger .30 168 Gr VLD Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

10.800 kr.

Berger .30 168 Gr Hybrid Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

10.800 kr.

Berger .30 175 Gr VLD Hunting


The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.

10.200 kr.

Berger .30 cal 180 Gr ELITE Hunter


The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.

12.000 kr.

Berger .30 185 Gr VLD Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

11.600 kr.

Berger .30 cal 185 Gr VLD Hunting


The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.

11.600 kr.

Berger .30 185 gr Hybrid Target


The Berger VLD Hunting Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting bullets in the industry. VLD Hunting Bullets are identical in design to VLD Target bullets except utilize a thinner J4 Precision jacket for rapid expansion during game applications. VLD Hunting Bullets are designed to penetrate 2-3″ and then begin to expand and create a massive wound cavity up to 15″. The hydrostatic shock causes most animals to drop immediately. VLD Hunting Bullets incoporate a secant ogive design which allows the bullet to experience less drag as it travels to the target. This reduced drag is why the VLD shoots flatter, experiences less wind-drift, and has a higher retained velocity than all others. A favorite load technique for the VLD’s is touching the rifling for single-shot applications, although some rifles may prefer as much as .150″ from the rifling. Berger VLD Hunting Bullets are extremely popular for long range hunting applications. Built with highly consistent J4 Precision Bullet jackets, most favored by custom bullet makers.

13.700 kr.

Berger .30 200,2 gr 20x Hybrid Target


Berger 30 Caliber 200 Grain “200.20x” Target Bullets utilize Berger’s industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. The 200.20x Target Bullet was developed with the assistance of the U.S Rifle Team (F-TR) and is the offical bullet for team use during the 2017 F-Class World Championships. $1.00 from every box purchased is donated by Berger Bullets to help support the team. The 200.20x Bullets are competition proven and a favorite amongst today’s top long range competition shooters. Made with J4 Precision Jackets, the 200.20x like all other Berger Bullets, have exacting tolerance and near perfect construction. Berger?s Chief Ballistician, Bryan Litz used his expertise to combine the appropriate shapes for optimum accuracy and performance.

14.300 kr.

Berger .30 208 gr LR Hybrid Target


Ballistic Coefficient is important for competitive shooting, but shot-to-shot consistency is the most critical aspect when engaging targets out to 1,000 yards and beyond. This specific bullet was built around F-TR disciplines to surpass the performance of our current offerings. Providing not only a higher BC, but a more consistent and reliable BC.

16.400 kr.

Berger .30 cal 210 gr Long Range BT Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

10.700 kr.

Berger .30 cal 230 gr Hybrid Target


The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters.  Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made.  This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line. 

11.800 kr.

Hornady 30 cal. 110 gr V-MAX


.308 110 gr Hornady V-MAX kúlan er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun í bráð og hentar mjög vel í vargveiði.

100 stk. í pakka

8.800 kr.

Hornady . 30 Cal. 125 gr GMX


30 cal GMX kúla frá Hornady 125 gr, straumlínulaga koparkúla sem heldur 95% af þyngd sinni eftir að hafa lent í dýri. BC .295, frábær kúla fyrir hjarta og lungnaskot á stærri bráð.

50 stk í pakka

9.000 kr.

Hornady 30 cal. 125 gr SST


.308 125 gr SST kúlan frá Hornady er hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun á stærri bráð. 

100 stk. í pakka 

10.600 kr.

Hornady . 30 Cal. 150 gr GMX


30 cal GMX kúla frá Hornady 150 gr, straumlínulaga koparkúla sem heldur 95% af þyngd sinni eftir að hafa lent í dýri. BC .415, frábær kúla fyrir hjarta og lungnaskot á stærri bráð.

50 stk í pakka

10.500 kr.

Hornady 30 cal. 150 gr SST


.308 150 gr SST kúlan frá Hornady er hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun á stærri bráð. 

100 stk. í pakka 

11.800 kr.

Hornady 30 cal. 155gr ELD-M


.30 cal .308 155 gr ELD-M kúla frá Hornady sem er hönnuð fyrir hámarks nákvæmni.

100 stk. í pakka

8.700 kr.

Hornady .30 cal 178 gr ELD-X


30 caliber 178 gr ELD-X kúlan frá Hornady er hönnuð til að ná hámarks nákvæmni og hentar bæði til veiða og fyrir skotfimi. BC .552, 100 stk í pakka

9.400 kr.

Hornady .30 cal 178 gr ELD-Match


30 caliber 178 gr ELD-X Match kúlan frá Hornady er hönnuð til að ná hámarks nákvæmni og hentar fyrir skotfimi. BC .547, 100 stk í pakka

8.900 kr.

Hornady 30 cal. 195gr ELD-MATCH


.30 cal .308 195 gr ELD-MATCH kúla frá Hornady er með gríðarhátt BC eða .584 og hönnuð fyrir hámarks nákvæmni, twist 1-10".

100 stk. í pakka

8.700 kr.

Norma - 30 cal. 180gr BondStrike Extreme


Ein allra flottasta veiðikúla á markaðnum, Bonded hefur allt sem er til að tryggja að kúlan sundrist ekki í bráð og hátt BC svo hún heldur flugi og hraða vel. 100 stykki í pakka.

9.700 kr.

Berger .30 200 gr Hybrid Target


Berger Hybrid Target Rifle Bullets utilize their industry-leading hybrid ogive, which blends tangent and secant designs to optimize efficiency, reduce wind-drift, and minimize sensitivity to seating depth. The Hybrid Target Rifle Bullets are competition proven and a favorite amongst today’s top long range competition shooters. Made with J4 Precision Jackets, the Hybrid’s like all other Berger Rifle Bullets, have exacting tolerance and near perfect construction. Berger’s Chief Ballistician, Bryan Litz used his expertise to combine the appropriate shapes for optimum accuracy and performance.

14.300 kr.