Frábær kúla í vargveiði, 76 grain með plastodd, opnast hratt í bráð, hentar vel í 243 og 6 XC. 100 stykki í pakka.
Frábær hreindýrakúla, " Bounded " sem þýðir að blýkjarninn og koparklæðningin er brætt saman svo hún fer í svepp og heldur miklu af upprunalegu þyngd. 100 stykki í pakka.
55 grain og 6mm, hentar vel 6PPC og öðrum 6 mm rifflum með 12-14 twist. Hefur einnig reynst ágætlega í sumum 243 enn ekki öllum. 100 stk. í pakka.
70 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, ekki talin henta til veiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. 100 stk. í pakka.
70 grain með plastodd, afar vinsæl í 243 til vargveiða, hraðskreið og með flatan ferill. 100 stk. í pakka.
80 grain hefðbundin blýoddskúla, hentar vel í 243. 100 stk. í pakka.
Ný kúla frá Sierra sem er að fá frábærar móttökur. 90 grain ætluð til veiða og markskotfimi. Henta ekki til hreindýraveiða. Sterk koparkápa sem hefur stjórn á opnuninni. Mjög hátt BC eða .490. 100 stk. í pakka.
90 grain heil, hentar vel til fuglaveiða og þar sem kúlan á að valda sem minnstum skaða. 100 stk. í pakka.
Ný kúla frá Sierra sem er að fá frábærar móttökur. 100 grain ætluð til veiða og markskotfimi. Henta ílla til hreindýraveiða, þar sem hætta er á að kúlan opni sig of hratt og valdi miklum kjötskemmdum. Mjög hátt BC eða .515. 100 stk. í pakka.
100 grain hefðbundin blýoddskúla, sérlega góð á sel og hreindýrsveiðar. 100 stk. í pakka.
107 grain sérstaklega ætluð til markskotfimi, og á lengri færi, gríðarlega hár BC stuðull .547 @ 2500 fps og hraðar. Ekki talin henta til veiða. Afar þunn koparkápa sem eykur nákvæmni. 100 stukki í pakka.
Léttasta kúlan í 6 mm eða 243, ekki víst að allir 243 ráði við hana, hægt að láta fara mjög hratt og flatt. 100 stykki í pakka.
70 grain með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 243. 100 stk. í pakka.
70 grain með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 243. 250 stk. í pakka.
80 grain með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Vinsæl kúla í 243. 100 stk. í pakka.
Með plastodd sem hentar vel þegar leitað er kúlu sem opnast hratt í bráð t.d. refa og selveiðar. Hefur einnig verið notuð við hreindýraveiðar. 50 stk. í pakka.
Góð veiðikúla, sem hentar sérstaklega vel í hreindýr. 100 stykki í pakka.
Nýja Scenar L frá Lapua er allstaðar að gera góða hluti, hentar vel í 6mm BR Norma. 100 stykki í pakka.
Gamla góða Scenar kúlan frá Lapua, hentar vel í 6mm BR Norma. 100 stykki í pakka.
Berger Flat Base Target Bullets are often used by competitive benchrest shooters who seek the highest accuracy possible. Flat Base Target Bullets are often used out to mid-range distances of 300 yards or more where a boat tail is not applicable. Berger Flat Base Target bullets are match-grade quality and utilize a tangent ogive bullet design which makes these very easy to load, tune and shoot. Highly accurate, the Flat Base Target uses J4 Precision bullet jackets for construction. J4 Precision Jackets have a Total Indicated Runout (TIR) of +/- .0001 and extremely tight manufacturing tolerances.
The Varmint bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are most commonly used on varmints. Each bullet is made with thin nosed J4 Precision Jackets for rapid expansion. Being Match Grade gives them the same precision performance capability of competition target bullets increasing your hit percentage and extending your effective lethal range.
The Hunting bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets with quickly lethal terminal performance. These bullets penetrate through the first 2” to 5” of tissue and bone. Once deep inside the vitals it will shed 40% to 90% of its mass as fragments. This energy dump causes massive hydrostatic shock. This shock and the fragments produce tremendous internal tissue damage. The animal may not drop in its tracks but it can’t go far with this much internal damage. Berger’s match grade approach and sleek designs also make these bullets effectively lethal at close and extended ranges.
The Target bullet line is made up of Match Grade bullets that are used all over the world to set records, win matches and improve scores of target competition shooters. Using J4 Precision Jackets with .0003 TIR (Total Indicated Runout) or less tolerance they are the most balanced (under high RPM conditions) bullets made. This balance, combined with sleek designs of the VLD, Hybrid and Long Range BT makes, it easy to see why they are the most trusted bullet on the firing line.
The Berger VLD Hunting Rifle Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting Rifle Bullets in the industry. VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets are identical in design to VLD Target Rifle Bullets except utilize a thinner J4 Precision jacket for rapid expansion during game applications.VLD Hunting bullets are designed to penetrate 2-3″ into the vitals and then begin to expand and create a massive wound cavity up to 15″. This delivers maximum organ/tissue damage and extreme hydrostatic shock aiding in an ethical kill. VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets incoporate a secant ogive design which allows the Rifle Bullet to experience less drag as it travels to the target. This reduced drag is why the VLD shoots flatter, experiences less wind-drift, and has a higher retained velocity than all others. A favorite load technique for the VLD’s is touching the rifling for single-shot applications, although some rifles may prefer as much as .150″ from the rifling. Berger VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets are extremely popular for long range hunting applications. Built with highly consistent J4 Precision Rifle Bullet jackets, most favored by custom Rifle Bullet makers.
Vinsæl markkúla frá Berger í 6mm BR Norma, 6mm Creedmoor og 6 XC. 500 stykki.
Berger Boat Tail Target Rifle Bullets are often used by competitive shooters who seek the highest accuracy possible. Boat Tail Target Rifle Bullets are often used beyond mid-range distances out to 600 yards or more. Berger Boat Tail Target Rifle Bullets are match-grade quality and utilize a tangent ogive Rifle Bullet design which makes these very easy to load, tune and shoot. Highly accurate, the Boat Tail Target uses J4 Precision Rifle Bullet jackets for construction. J4 Precision Jackets have a Total Indicated Runout (TIR) of +/- .0001 and extremely tight manufacturing tolerances. Berger Boat Tail Target Rifle Bullets are excellent for magazine feed applications, or where conformance to SAAMI overall length is necessary.
The 6mm 109 Grain LRHT provides competitive PRS shooters and long range accuracy enthusiasts a level of precision and consistency unmatched by all other bullet manufacturers. Utilizing advanced and proprietary manufacturing processes, Berger’s innovative Meplat Reduction Technology (MRT) System applies controlled pressure along the projectile nose, producing a homogeneous and repeatable bullet profile for the industry’s most consistent Ballistic Coefficients (BC).The 6mm 109 Grain LRHT boasts a high BC, jump-tolerant hybrid ogive profile that is Doppler Radar verified with less than 1% BC variation. A high BC is desirable for competitive shooting, however, shot-to-shot BC consistency is most critical when engaging targets to 600 yards and beyond. The 109’s are tailored to cartridges such as 6mm Creedmoor, 6mm BR, 6 Dasher, 6XC, 6BRX, and 6×47 among others. It offers the same stability factor as the industry-leading 105gr Hybrid Target and is a direct replacement for 1:8″ twist barrels.The 6mm 109’s offer several advantages,” said Bryan Litz, Berger’s Chief Ballistician. “Its ultra-sleek profile provides a higher Ballistic Coefficient (BC) resulting in less wind drift at all ranges. Using the proprietary MRT technology also results in a higher and more consistent BC which is important for reducing dispersion at long range.”
.243 Hornady V-MAX kúlan er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun í bráð og hentar mjög vel í vargveiði.
100 stk. í pakka
243 cal 65 gr Hornady V-MAX kúlan er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun í bráð og hentar mjög vel í vargveiði.
.243 75 gr Hornady V-MAX kúlan er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir hraða opnun í bráð og hentar mjög vel í vargveiði.
Bring trophies home and send varmints packing with the new ELD-VT™ bullet from Hornady. Incorporating years of ballistic research, ELD-VT™ pairs the aerodynamics of a low-drag match bullet with the light weight and high velocity of a varmint bullet. With its unmatched accuracy and explosive fragmentation, ELD-VT™ picks up trophies as fast as it drops varmints!
The Hornady ELD-VT™ bullet is here to redefine your varmint hunting and shooting pursuits, offering unmatched accuracy, rapid fragmentation, and the confidence to take on any challenge– from long-range varmint hunts to long-range competitions. BC .410 (G1).
6 mm 100 gr. Interlock veiðikúla frá Hornady, hentar í hreindýraveiðar. 100 stykki í pakka.
90 grain ELD-X frá Hornady er hönnuð með hámarks nákvæmni í huga. BC .409. Fyrir 1-10" twist eða hraðar.
100 stk í pakka
103 grain ELD-X frá Hornady er hönnuð með hámarks nákvæmni í huga. BC ,512. Fyrir 1-8" twist eða hraðar.